International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 1(4): 177-180

Short Communication

The Root Cause of Positive Self-efficacy in Student-teachers During Their Teacher Education Program

Muhammad Shoaib Iqbal Ansari*
Muhammad Shoaib Iqbal Ansari*

*Center for Teacher Education Research, Beijing Normal University, Key Research Institute of Ministry of Education, 19 Xinjiekouwai St., 607 Yingdong Building, Beijing, 100875, China. Email: [email protected]

and Sobia Shoaib
Sobia Shoaib

Comparative Education Department, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.

Received: 30 November, 2021 ||  Accepted: 26 December, 2021 || Published: 26 December, 2021


A b s t r a c t

Positive self-efficacy is the cause of boosting up the student-teacher beliefs in their teaching during teacher education programs. In this study, the root causes of positive self-efficacy in student-teachers were investigated. In-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted to find out the experiences of their positive self-efficacy. Interviews were conducted under the guidance of Banduras’ (1986,1997) framework of the theory. The findings revealed that social persuasions and mastery experiences were the most influential root causes of their self-efficacy during their teacher education program respectively. The other two root causes of vicarious experiences and physiological and affective states also contributed their part in constructing the positive self-efficacy in student-teachers. But did not influence more than social persuasions and mastery experiences. According to the findings of this study, the most leading experiences that emerged during the interviews consist of observing the abilities of other teachers, teaching guidance from others, appreciation from others as a teacher, teaching practices, and previous experiences. Including these most leading root causes, other findings of the root causes are also illustrated in this study according to the perceptions of student-teachers.


Keywords:   Emerging self-efficacy, Self-efficacy, student-teachers and Teacher education.


Copyright information: Copyright © 2021 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


    To cite this article: Ansari, M.S.I., and Shoaib, S. (2021). The Root Cause of Positive Self-efficacy in Student-teachers During Their Teacher Education Program. International Journal for Asian Contemporary Research, 1 (4): 177-180.  


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